
The La Inmaculada Centro de Magisterio (Teaching Center) is an academic community whose main goal is to provide a modern education to young student teachers in a Christian humanist environment.

Our History

The current Center was created in the 1970s when a number of teachers colleges belonging to several different Church institutions and Catholic associations in Granada joined together to put into action their conviction that training Christian teachers is the best way to enable students to achieve personal fulfillment, and the greatest service they can render to today’s society.

Academic Programs

The CMI offers two degree programs: Early Childhood Teacher and Primary Teacher. It also offers a preparation course for the DECA (Ecclesiastical Declaration of Academic Competence) that qualifies you to teach religion in preschools and primary schools.

What Does the CMI Offer?

The Centro de Magisterio La Inmaculada is affiliated with the University of Granada, and grants official U. of Granada degrees. Apart from this, it is an independent school, under the direction of the Archdiocese of Granada, which offers added value to students. Students who choose to pursue their studies with us enjoy these advantages:


The Center also offers a great variety of other learning and extra-curricular activities to provide students with a broad, well-rounded experience; language courses, workshops, talks, short courses, conferences, drama groups, sports, and choir, among others.

Another of our main interests is to participate in an increasingly open Europe. Our commitment to internationalization is reflected in our agreements with partner universities in Spain (Salamanca, Barcelona, Valladolid, Cádiz, Alcalá de Henares), and elsewhere in Europe (Italy, France, Germany, Iceland, Poland, Bulgaria, Cyprus and Croatia).

Te puede interesar

En el CMLI te ofrecemos más grados y otras opciones de estudio

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Grado en Educación Infantil

Formación para maestros en la etapa educativa de 0 a 6 años.

Grado en Educación Primaria

Formación para maestros en la etapa educativa de 6 a 12 años.

Máster en Innovación Educativa 

Maestros competentes para la aplicación de nuevas propuestas metodológicas